Race in Academia Meet & Greet

Race in Academia Meet & Greet
University of Amsterdam

June 3rd - 3rd, 2024
Race in Academia Meet & Greet

We invite you to join the first gathering of the Race in Academia Collective. In this collective we wish to connect existing networks/initiatives/groups, as well as individuals, of self-identified racialised scholars in The Netherlands. This first gathering is an informal meet and greet. Other than a creative interactive activity from 16:30-17:30, we have no fixed agenda . Our aim is not to force a particular theme, but to co-create a space where we as racialised scholars can meet each other without any pressure to perform; a space where we can create community over drinks and snacks. 

To attend the event, please register here or scan the QR code available on the event flyer below. 

Please note that attending this event does not mean you commit yourself to be part of the Race in Academia Collective. If you cannot attend this first gathering but want to be part of the collective, please read our Grounding Principles and complete this form